A future for children with special needs
Do you want to help these children?
Hi, I’m Nicole Mtawa, founder of Human Dreams.
When I visited as a student for the first time Tanzania and India I decided to dedicate my life to children who are suffering. After the publication of my first memoir the positive reactions lead to the foundation of the non-profit organization Human Dreams in Germany. With my daughter Julie I am living in Windhoek where currently our newest dream of an animal-assisted therapy center is becoming a beautiful reality for challenged children in Namibia.
Rehabilitation and Comprehensive Care: We want to see children happy again!
Through our Human Dreams centers we want to provide access to quality care for children in need. They shall be able to experience joy and happiness through our comprehensive approach that focuses on both physical rehabilitation and emotioanl well-being.
In our little children’s home in Delhi, India, our children have already grown up to young students with lots of hope for a much better future.
Would you like to help us?
Your donation will have a positive impact on the lives of children in need.
Together with you we will be able to provide food, medical care, therapies and special education to those who cannot help themselves.
Every penny counts!
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What our supporters say about us
Read what others have to say about Human Dreams and the impact we are making. Leave your own message in our guestbook to add your voice to the conversation.
Follow The Evolution of Our Reality
“Ein Herz für Kinder” help us
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The journey continues
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